Monday, August 8, 2011

I really cant find my place in life.?

Can any of you offer advice it even just relate to it? I have a job, not a well paid one, but s job none the less, a wee flat I like and I'm mentality and physically healthy, but I have an almost constant feeling I'm not doing something that I'm meant to be.(I know that sounds weird and I can't explain it properly on here). My pals bore me, it just seems like they say the same things about the same subjects all the time, I date nice girls but haven't met one I can imagine my future with yet, I know I shouldn't moan as some people have much worse problems, but I just can't shake that feeling I mentioned before, (although I have no idea what it is I should be doing) do any of you know what is wrong with me? I've just turned thirty if that makes a difference.

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